Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
At Crossroads, we believe that salvation in Christ should move us toward a lifestyle of service and every believer is called, gifted, authorized and commanded to find their unique place of ministry. We also believe that serving others is a great path to discovering who Jesus is. So we encourage anyone to find a place to serve in at least one ministry on a regular basis and be actively seeking that place of passion Jesus leads your heart to become a minister.
Below, you will find brief descriptions of each of our ministries.
Below, you will find brief descriptions of each of our ministries.

Guest Services
Sunday Guest Services
The guest services team is responsible for greeting at the doors on Sunday morning, handing out information, and taking up the offering.
KIDZville provides a nurturing environment for children from birth through Pre-School. Kindergarten age children are included in our Wednesday night KIDZone worship and attend Celebration Service with family on Sunday.
Worship Team
Our worship team prepares and delivers a worship experience that is culturally relevant through music, media, and technology.
Our hospitality team is responsible for preparing and serving coffee and donuts in The Gathering Place
Mission Teams
C4 Blue House
The Blue House is a tutoring program for kids in the Kate Ross Apartment complex (12th & Ross). We meet Tues/Thurs from 5:30 to 6:15 pm during the school year. Activities and food program are provided weekly during the summer months.
International Missions
Our international missions include summer missional opportunities as partnerships are developed and an opportunity to meet needs is found. We also support our missionaries serving full-time internationally. We will continue to plan and coordinate international mission opportunities as God opens doors.
ALL IN! Service Project
Every November, Crossroads holds our annual ALL IN church-wide “serve our community” project. From feeding the homeless, to construction, to nursing homes, to any other random acts of kindness we find…our goal is to serve our community together.
Food Pantries
Our food pantry team serves our community through need assessment, present ministry needs and discovered needs that come to our attention. We also support our Lorena and Robinson Shepherd’s Heart Food Pantries. Great for people who love hands-on ministry!
Planting seeds of hope through a ministry that targets the needs of the homeless community based on their life circumstances. This ministry is housed in a “hangar-type” building that sits at the 17th street bridge and Webster.
Story Sisters
Story Sisters is a prison ministry of Crossroads in partnership with Discipleship Unlimited at the Gatesville Prison. It was started through the dream of death row inmate Karla Fay Tucker, who became a believer in prison and wanted to reach more women for Christ. Our church serves the 56 women on the Murray unit twice per month.
Family Ministries
Table Tops
Adult, child, and student Small Groups are all about building relationships where we love, invest, fellowship and encourage each other in our spiritual walk. These groups meet weekly in homes or at the church. Kids and students meet at the church.
Student Ministries
Crossroads’ ministry to students grades 7th – 12th meets Sundays and Wednesdays from 6-8 pm.
KIDZone is kindergarten through 6th grade Small Groups that help kids learn how we love God, love God’s Word and love people. These kids meet weekly on Wednesday’s from 6-8 pm.
Our Crosstraining and Discipleship team coordinates, organizes and prepares for spiritual growth classes focused on membership, maturity, giftedness and leadership as they are offered throughout the year.
Leadership Teams
Elders currently serving: Keith & Lisa Vaughan, Bob & Sylvia Lemley
Provides accountability to the pastors and the church through prayer, teaching and pastoral support.
CAT Team
The CAT team serves and oversees the needs of the church, its facilities, budget and finances. This team is made up of the LIFE Group representation and meets at least once a quarter to pray, prepare, and give direction.
Facilities Team
This leadership team provides oversight of our facilities and any maintenance needs that occur including the lawn, plumbing, electrical, A/V, renovation and repairs.
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to Brazil
June 30-July 11
SAVE THE DATE: Crossroads is heading back to Brazil next summer. Start planning and saving now to go on this life changing trip. You do not want to miss it! Contact us using link below for any info or keep watching for more details