In Matthew 28, Jesus gives his disciples what we call The Great Commission - to go and make disciples of all nations. He tells us to intentionally seek out relationships to share the gospel, baptize new believers, and teach them to obey all he has commanded. Disciple making was not meant to be a passive activity, but one we pursue actively.
As Psalm 78:4 says, we are called to teach the next generation about the Lord - to not hide from our children the glorious deeds of God but tell coming generations about his power and wonders. We have a responsibility to pass on faith in Christ to future generations. This happens through intentional discipleship - building relationships with those younger than us to model a life of following Jesus. Disciple making takes time, effort and intentionality as we share our lives with others. It's not always easy, but it's what Jesus called every one of his followers to do. As we go about our daily lives, we need to be on the lookout for those God is placing in our paths to pour into with the good news of the gospel through word and deed. Disciple making is a lifelong journey we walk, that transforms us as much as those we disciple. May we take up this calling with new zeal, relying on God's strength to make disciples who make disciples.