Intentional: Relationships
Being Intentional in Our Relationships
In life, it’s easy to let relationships slide - to not be intentional about cultivating them. But as Christians, we’re called to be intentional, to invest in and cherish our relationships with others.
The apostle Paul models this in Acts. In Acts 20:36, we read that Paul knelt down and prayed with the Ephesian elders before departing - he was intentional about that meaningful goodbye. Then in Acts 21:8, Paul goes to visit Philip in Caesarea and stays with him for a while - again, making a point to connect.
Paul’s care and effort to spend time with fellow believers exemplifies the intentionality we should have in our relationships - with friends, family, church community. It takes work to nourish relationships, but it’s Kingdom work. Let’s follow Paul’s example. Let’s listen well, make time for deep conversation, offer prayer and support. By God’s grace, may our relationships reflect His relational nature. May we build each other up in love.